jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011



El sentirse como un  poder superior siempre nos con lleva a una libertad  y a  la ruptura  de una tradición  clasista  que  siempre  ha  invadido  nuestras  mentes  con un conjunto  de  reglas  estereotipadas, que  lo  único   que hacen  es excluir  personas  de otras  razas para  rebajar a los individuos  por sólo  un  color  de piel o ideologías  que  según   el  ser  humano  eso  nos  hace  ser  diferentes. Por eso el  romanticismo  experimenta  mas sentimientos  en vez de  apariencias   que  se  involucran  más  en la literatura  y  en  el  hombre, ya  que  juega  un  papel  importante  porque se manifiesta  de   diferentes  maneras  las  humanidades, y las proyecta  en  el  arte, favoreciéndose  en  los  campos  de  la  música y de la pintura. Creado  en  el siglo XIX expandiéndose  en  Inglaterra  o  Alemania  y en otros  países  aliándose  con diversas  corrientes  como  es  el  parnasianismo, simbolismo  y  el  decadentismo  y uno de  los  más  destacados  el  surrealismo , En donde  se  demuestra  la  exaltación  del  yo ,  si bien  esta clara  relación  de  este movimiento  con  lo  que ahora  vivimos  es  el  liberalismo   frente  al despotismo  ilustrado  que  antiguamente  se tomaban  las  decisiones  guiadas  por  la razón y no por  el  conocimiento , si todo  fuera  guiado  por la  razón  la  realidad  para  nosotros  seria  buena  y confiaríamos  y se destacaría un  mundo irreal  porque todo seria igual  y  para vivir la misma rutina  es muy aburrido.
Adquirir  conocimiento  saliendo  de lo  racional  y lo científico  y dejándose llevar  por un mundo  donde  la imaginación  nos  con lleva  a un arte  y los sentidos  siendo  definición  cultural.
Cindy bejarano  Benavides



El volver  a  nacer  en  un  arte  que  transformo,  llenando  los pensamientos  de  ideologías  contradictorias  que  en  un  momento  o  una  etapa  dan  origen  a  otra, todo un proceso  perdido  para  devolvernos  a  lo  mismo , un  principio con fundamentos únicos en donde la distinción de opinión no es valida, con a diferencia que en a edad media lo impedían  en cambio en la actualidad simplemente no se nos da la gana, nos conformaos con un simple conocimiento, sumiéndonos en un abismo de ignorancia en donde nadie muestra inconformidad.
Después de una extensa privación medieval el hombre pensaba con una libertad de espíritu, que o conduciría a una libertad de pensamiento  con esto el culto a la vida , al amor y a la naturaleza  era prioridad, nada comparado con la actualidad donde confundimos la libertad con el hecho de hacer nuestra voluntad sin importarnos todo aquello que sea ajeno a nosotros.
Lo mas característico de esta época es la separación entre el hombre y la religión, el abandono  a la teología los llevo a que e ser era el centro de todos, la creencia en la ciencia los llevo a  firmar que lo único cierto es lo que se puede comprobar, una racionalidad científica que conservamos pero con libertad de opinión y múltiples creencias.

Luisa Fernanda calderón 



Todo lo antiguo nos promueve a un ámbito de oscuridad en el que solo nuevas ideologías podían iluminar, ideologías o pensamientos denominados como las “luces”, buscando una nueva modernidad, rompiendo un pasado medieval, a mi me resultaría difícil encontrar el progreso y la felicidad por medio de un experimento científico, nada menos racional que el amor, pero para los ilustrados el deseo de conocer, entender y explicar la realidad del mundo en el que vivían se basaba en un sistema de pensamiento producido por los intelectuales, algo para rescatar de la ilustración desde mi punto de vista seria el ambiente de autonomía y de libertad de la razón individual no dejando de lado que esto solo lo hacían como un programa educativo orientado para elevar el nivel cultural de la sociedad y mejorar la situación de quienes desearan cultivar la razón y salir de la ignorancia .
Todo por modernizar la sociedad mediante reformas llevadas a cabo por reyes y gobiernos, que mejor que un gobierno preocupado por su sociedad, pero con el pasar de los años todo esto no sale del papel y como promesas en el aire se van y en el viento se quedan sin dejar atrás a esos queridos gobernantes que en su afán por realizar mejoras, terminan pelando el cobre y mostrando sus propios y verdaderos intereses “suyos y solamente suyos”.  
Luisa Fernanda calderon

Reviews Renaissance


He born belmonte, cuenca,  1527 or 1528 madrigal august 23 0f 1591 he was a poet humanist and spanish augustinian religious of the school of salamanca.

Fray Luis de leon is one of the most important writers of the second phase of the spanish renaissance with francisco of aldana, alfonso of ercilla, fernando of herrera and san juan of the cruz and is of the ascetic literature of the second half of the century XVI his poetry is inspired by the souls desire to get away from al earthly things in order to reach god, indentified with peace and knowledge moral and ascetic themnes dominate his work.


Reviews Greek Mythology


Ages III and IV two particular assigned to the novel of heliodoro a spectal place. Firts the unusual virtuasity  in narrative techinique on the other hand, is an important testimony to penetrate new religious forces at that time. in this novel of heliodoro as elseehere is seen particulary dearly that the language is artificial product all rescurcs in the art of rhetoric and poetric grace notes can not adeny the impecuntous nature of this style. they are built but not rounded long periods especially prayers rechange the participles piling leads to the formation of monstrous dauses ages.


Reviews Greek Mythology


Sigloo VIII aC is the name given to the ancient greek poet and rhapsode who is tradionally credited with the authorship of the major greek epic poems the lliga and adyssey.

Besides the liada and the adysseys homero other poems atributed to him, as the epic comic batrachomyomachi minor (war of the fogs and mice) the corpus of homero hymns and various other lost or framentary works such as margitles. Some ancient authors attributed the entire epic cycle.



William Shakespeare

 He was  englhis play   right and poet. Three of the eight children of John Shakespeare, a wealthy merchant and local politician and Mary Arden, whose family had suffered religious persecution resulting from their Catholic faith, little or nothing is known about the childhood and adolescence of William Shakespeare.

It seems likely that study in the Grammar School in his hometown, although it is unknown how many years and in what circumstances. According to a contemporary of his, William Shakespeare learned "small Latin and less Greek," and in any case it seems also likely to leave school early because of the difficulties that his father was going through, whether they derive from their economic or political career .

              Luisa Calderon

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

unlike his contemporary Lope de Vega, who knew from a young age success as a playwright, poet and seductive, Cervantes's life was an uninterrupted series of small home and business failures, which did not fail or captivity, or wrongful imprisonment, or public outrage. Not only had no income but found it difficult to attract the favor of patrons and protectors, to this was added a particularly bad luck that followed him throughout his life. Only at the end, after the success of the two parts of Don Quixote, he met a certain calm and was able to enjoy the recognition for his work, but always burdened by economic hardship.
            Luisa Calderon

Felipe Leon


Rosario Castellanos

 He was mexican narrator and poet, considered the second most important genus of the twentieth century in his country. During his childhood he lived in Comitán (Chiapas), where his family originated. He studied letters National Autonomous University of Mexico. In Madrid complement their training with courses in aesthetics and style.

He worked at the National Indigenous Institute in Chiapas and Mexico City, worrying about the living conditions of indigenous people and women in their country. In 1961 he obtained a teaching post at the Autonomous University of Mexico, where he taught philosophy and literature, and later developed his teaching at the Universidad Iberoamericana and the University of Wisconsin, Colorado and Indiana, and was secretary of the Pen Club of Mexico. Dedicated to the teaching and promotion of culture in various government institutions in 1971 was appointed ambassador to Israel, where he died after three years, a victim of a plane crash.

            Luisa Calderon

Pablo Neruda

Chilean poet. Soon began to write poetry, and in 1921 published The Song of the party, his first poem, under the pseudonym of Pablo Neruda, in honor of the Czech poet Jan Neruda, a name that remained thereafter and legalized in 1946.

His mother died only a month after he was born, when his father, a railroad employee, moved to Temuco, where young Pablo Neruda received his early studies and met Gabriela Mistral. They also began working in a newspaper, until he was sixteen he moved to Santiago, where he published his first poems in the magazine Clarity.

Luisa Calderon
Middle Ages

Ramon Llull

Catalan philosopher and writer. The son of an emigrated to Barcelona Mallorca shortly before he was born, Llull was very young courtiers related environments. During his youth he was regent of the kingdom's heir, the Infante Don Jaime, and to meet their thirties led a dissolute life, free from worries, despite his marriage to Picany White, who had two sons, at this time was devoted to cutting troubadour poetry writing.
                                                                                                 Luisa Calderon
Middle Ages

Alfonso X el Sabio

He was eldest son of Ferdinand III, who was succeeded in 1252. Already as a child made ​​important tasks, such as the conquest of the Kingdom of Murcia (1241) or peace with James I of Aragon, which led to the marriage of his daughter Violante Alfonso.

He encouraged the Reconquista taking places like Jerez, Medina-Sidonia, Lebrija, Fog and Cadiz (1262). He faced a revolt of the Muslims of their kingdoms, promoted by the kings of Granada and Tunis (1264). Repopulated Lower Andalusia and Murcia. And even continued progress towards Islam from North Africa, to send an expedition to Sale (1260). Another part had to devote their efforts to suppress internal rebellions, starring as Prince Henry and several nobles (1255), which occurred in Vizcaya (1255) or infant who led the Philip (1272).

                                                                                         Luisa Calderon
Middle Ages

Gonzalo de BerceoMedieval writer who was the first poet in Spanish with a household name.

He was clerk and lived in the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla (Logroño), where he was ordained priest, and that of Santo Domingo de Silos (Burgos). In the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla officiated as secular clergy, and arrived at the offices of deacon (c. 1120) and Priest (circa 1237).

It is the first representative of so-called "mester of clergy" medieval school men of letters (a rating at that time almost coincided with that of priest) whose main contribution was the spread of Latin culture. Berceo opened the path of poetry scholar, as opposed to the one developed by the popular and epic poetry of the troubadours.  

                                                                                   Luisa Calderon

                                                                               Luisa Calderon
Mariano José de Larra
He wrotehistoricalnovels and journalism.
Born in Madrid in 1809 and from his youth devoted himself to journalism. At 19 he published his first newspaper "El duende satirical day." Contracted and failed early marriage to Josephine Wetoret. Then he fell in love with a beautiful married woman named Dolores Armijo. He contributed to major newspapers in Madrid, and was admired and popular journalist who signed all his journalistic writings, usually under the pseudonym of "Figaro". Committed to the reality of his day, fought the delay, inaction and political corruption. It is within the liberal romanticism. He felt that the press was the best way to release your desire modernization.

Gustavo Adolfo Becquer (1836.1871)

In fact his name was Gustavo Adolfo DomínguezBastida,Becquer was the name of their ancestors. Born in Seville in 1836, he was dead, King Ferdinand VII, had no time and had to be romantic realism. He moved to Madrid where he worked as a journalist and civil servant. He had an unhappy marriage with Costa Esteban. Fell in love with several women who evokes in his poems and stories. Periods of economic hardship lived and died in 1871 due to lung disease. It has become the symbol of romance and intimate subjective. It is a lyric poet par excellence. Its economic hardship led him to compose a series of poems sensitive, delicate and intimate, simple shapes and moving. His work was published in magazines and newspapers of the time, but his poetry was not released until after his death. It was a collection that made his closest friends and published under the name "Rhymes".

José de Espronceda (1808, 1842)

Born in 1808 in the province of Badajoz (Extremadura).It is the leading exponent of revolutionary romanticism in his country. When I was 15 years, founded a secret society called "The Numancia" to fight against absolutism. He was convicted and later pardoned, given his age. He had a hectic political life and love. Had to immigrate to various countries: Portugal, England and France. Directly met European romanticism. During his exile in Portugal, fell in love
Teresa Mancha which kidnapped even when married. He died in Madrid in 1842, is the poet of the great effects of enthusiasm and despair.
Theprevailingpessimism and disappointment in hiswork.

Jutta Bauer

Jutta Bauer is a German illustrator and writer (Hamburg, 1955), especially known in his her country for the illustration of the range Juli, written by Kirsten Boie, as well as some novels of Christine Nöstlinger. More recently it has become famous with books written and illustrated by her, as Madrechillona (National Prize of Literature for Children from Germany, 2001), Selma, Queen of the colors or the angel of the grandfather. In 2006, Anaya has published another book illustrated by her, it all began, with texts by Franz Hohler and JürgSchubiger. In 2008, Tandem edicions published another book illustrated by Jutta Bauer "Why live on the outskirts of the city" with texts by Peter Stamm. There is also a version in Catalan "Per quèalsVivim Afore de la ciutat".
In 2010 was awarded the Hans Christian Andersen Award for illustration.
Pedro González de Ulloa

González de Ulloa (Xocín of Porqueira, 1714 - Covelas, 1790) he was the leading exponent of the Enlightenment movement in the region of La LimiaXVIII.escritor century little known
He was Abbot of the parishes of Perrel, Chamusiños Santa Baia (in the present municipality of Trasmiras) and finally Covelas (all located in the region of Limia).
Correspondence and face-was associated with many of the great intellectuals of the time as parents Fray Martín Sarmiento Flores and the enlightened or Cornide Jose Andres Saavedra, Campomanes and Montiano. He is the author of the book description states Monterrey House (1777), an essential work for the history and life in the eighteenth century most of the southern province of Orense, in possession of those moments powerful House of Monterrey.

Rafael de Amat y de Cortada

Rafael de Amat y de Cortada was born in Barcelona on ​​July 10, 1746 - 1819, popularly known as Baron of Malden, was the first Baron of evil and Maldanell and Catalan writer of the Enlightenment.
Member of a family member of the gentry in Barcelona, ​​went down to posterity as the author of an immense personal diary in sixty volumes from 1769 to his death in 1819, under the title of a tailor Calaix (mixed bag), which have published so far only fragments compilations, despite the undoubted importance as a document that has historical and literary. It is regarded as a precedent of local customs and local journalism and is one of the rare examples of Catalan prose between the Renaissance and the nineteenth century.

                               l                                           Luisa Calderon

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011

Reviews Greek Mythology


He was a tragic poet of ancient greece author of works such antigone or eclipus author of works such antigone with or eclipus rex is situated along with aeschylus and euripicles among the most imporatnt figures in grees tragedy of all his literary productions are retained only sevn completed tregedies that are of impotance to the gendre.

Thus began an unprecedented literary career sofocles came to  write up to 123 tragedies for the festivals, which was awaraed an estimated  24 wins compared to 13 who had managed to became an important figure in atenas and long life coincided with the moment of maximum spplendor od the city.


Reviews Middle Age


He writer the most important work in spanish at the time the book of good love, also considered one of the most important literary works of medieval europe. in this poem have extracted all the available biographical date one archpriest your name his styke is both picture and lively and denotes.


Reviews Middle Age


He was a native of paredes od nava teh son of the count of paredes, don rodrigo manrique and doña mencia de figueroa.

he wrote several songs that appear in several scnapooks his glory as a poet come from his famous verses on the death of this  father. a poem consists  of forty three verses in broken foot of whichs one third is sence which  makes this poem a work  universally recognize if seems that lope of vega said that this poem "deserved to be writting in letters of gold".


Reviews middle Age


He born españa 1282-1348 spanish write one of the most original satorytellers of medieval  spanish literature. his best know work is the count lucanor 1335 which users the narrative frame scheme to introduce 51 examples, many from eastern influence the overall narrative is minimal and responds to te following scheme count lucanor petronto couselor poses a problem you have and it responds with a story or example that there is with a story or example that there is a similar situation to the conflict of the count.


reviews Renaissance


He born bracelona in 1487, 1542 sapanish poet he born in to a family of lawyers and merohants catalan served in the courts of ferdinand and cahrles  from 1514 and was tutor to the duke of alba in 1539 he left the court and setted in barcelona and that some year he married ana cortijo, his house became a center of literary gathering.

A Juan boscan is due the introduction into the castilian lyric meter and italian versification. the ideal was suggested by the ventan ambassador andrew navaggiero during or conversation in oranada and was then with the approval of garcilaso de la vega, a friend of boscan.


Reviews Reenaissance


He was born in toledo in 1501 and was of noble family, garcilano´s poetic works were first published seven years aften his death, making a fourth book in the edition of boscan  barcelona 1543 only in 1569, after 19 editions of the oint work of the two introducers of italian was published in  salamanca the firts edition apart from the poetry of garcilaso in 1544, the famous proffesor of retoric in salamanca francisco sanchez, the brocense published his first annotated edition of the works of toledo, become and indisputable classic in 1580 fernando de herrera published an amotated edition.


Reviews Enlightenment


He was poet the name"dalmiro" composed "the work of my younth leisure" his love for the actress maria ignacia ibañez. it to his dramatic world. though he wrole three tragediesv only one was performed with little success. Don sancho garcia count of castile his prose work is homever more extensive in movirnful hights dialogue form tell his frsutated desire to resave form the grove the body of maria ignaci. eighteenth century is the book entirely scholars to violet which attacks the false intellectuals seven leason that satirize those who daim to know very little studied.


Reviews Enlightenment


Fray benito possesed an aristotelian training thought his mind was totally modem, his work achieved numerous editions and provoked much controversy so many that fernando VI, in an act of enlightenment despostism, to defend fee and forbading attacks aon his work and his person.

His knowlegde was manifested in a multitude of the theatre critical universals and the learned and curious letters. Fray was necesary to wrie to get spain cut its backwandness and to his end he gave is work a didactic heavily catholic but with the intention that the new trends are rooted empirical and rational. at least in the eduucated classest. i was very critical of supersitions and false mirades.


Reviews Enlightenment


jovellanos began writing licric poetry. the pastoral name (very commom at the time) to joving and elinghtenment ideals. like that cadalso uneducated the aristocaracia in his satine a arresto. the soon tired of poetry which he considered a game of teenager who did not apply reason and that it was improper for a respectable man. interestingky years later in verse invites insurrection of 1808 in astures sing for the french.


Reviews Romanticism


He was born on 1808 in the province of badajas, he is the leading exponent of revolutionary of romanticism in his country. when was is years, founded a secret society called "the numancia" to fight against absolutism he was convicted and later pardoned. given his age he had to emigrate to various countries:portugal, england and france. he know directy met european romanticism. During his exite in portugal fell in love of teresa mancha which kidnapped even when mamed. he died in madrid on 1842 is the poet of the great effects of enthusiasm and despair. the of the great effects of enthusiasm and despair. the prevailing pessimism and disappantment in his work.


Reviews Romanticism


He was bron in sevile on 1836 he worked as a journalist and civil servant. he had and happy marriage with costa esteban. he fell in love with several women who euokes in his poems and stories he to live periods of economic hardship lived and died in 1871 due to lung disease he has become the symbol of romance and intimate subjective. it  is a lyric poett for excellence. its economic hardship led him to composed a series and moving. his work was published in magazines and newspaper of teh time. but his poetry was not released until after his deal.


Reviews Romanticism


He wrote historicla novels and journalism, he was born in madrid on 1809 and from his youth devoted himself to journalist at his 19 years. he published his first newspaper "satiric globin of day" contraded and failed early marriage to josephine wetoret. then he fell in love with a beautiful married woman name dolores armijo. he contributed to principals newspaper in madrid. he was admired and popular journalist who signed all his journalistic writings usually under the pseudonym of "figaro" comprometed with the reality of his day. He felt that the press was the best way to releaseyour desire modernization.


Reviews avant-guard


He was a novelist essayist play wright and philosopher born in french algeria. In his varied work developed a humanism founded on an awareness of the absuraity of the human condition. In 1the 1957 in the age of the age of the 44 was awarde  the nobel prize for literature forthe wole of a work that highlighs the problems that arise in the minds of people today he began writing at an early age: his first text were published in the sud, in 1932 after obtaining the high school get an avanced degree in letter of philophy.

in 1993 he began to write upside down and the right that was publishe two years later founded the working theater in 1937 replaced by theatre team communist party for serious decreparies.


Reviews avant-guard


Picasso was a spanish painter and scultor, creator, along with gerges braque and juan gris, cubist movement. Considered one of the greastest artist of the twenteth century, was invoved from the genesis of many artistc movements that spread troughout the world and greatly influencedc other major artist of his time.

Picasso started painting from an early age in 1889 eight years after a building and under the direction of his father painted the small chopper, his first oir painting which always refuse separate.bright and precacius student, picasso pased in one day at the age of fourteen during the painting the first communion.


Reviews avant-guard


He was an american poet write and although born in germany. Bukowski writing is strongly influenced by atmosphere of the city where he spent most of his life, Bukowski was a politic author wrote over fifty books, countless short stories and numerous poems. He is often mentioned as an influenced by contemporary authors and their style is often imitated. He did of leucemia in 1994 al the age of 73 years. Is considered one of the most influential american writers and a symbol of  Dirty realism and indepent literature. The graduating from secundary school in the angeles studied art, journalist and literature at university of the angeles for two years.